Saturday, October 29, 2011

Dentistry Today: Not the Same Old, Same Old

To the casual observer, it may appear that not much has changed in dentistry, but the field is constantly evolving with the advent of new techniques, products and medications. Following are some of the more popular newer dental technologies that laypeople might not even know exist.


An alternative to the traditional dental drill, air abrasion allows for the precise removal of decay through blast of pellets of air and aluminum oxide. Not only is the technology a significant refinement over drilling, but the treatment is relatively painless, so anesthetic is rarely necessary.

Bone Replacement

There are now options for replacing bone in patients who suffer bone loss from advanced periodontal disease. There is a freeze-dried man-made autogenous material that can be used to fuse with the patient’s existing natural bone; preserved cadaver or animal bone; and grafting a patient’s own bone from another area of the body into the jaw.

CAD/CAM (Computer Assisted Design/Computer Assisted Manufacture)

While CAD/CAM itself is not new, using it to fabricate dental restorations is. The technology allows dentists to much more accurately map a patient’s mouth and teeth in order to create a highly refined prosthetic for restoration. CAT scans are also used, especially in dental implant restorations, as the technology allows full 3-D views of the areas to be treated instead of traditional 2-D X-ray technology.

Caries Detection Solution

Caries are tiny pits in the teeth caused by decay that can be overlooked with the naked eye and that, left untreated, lead to cavities. Caries detection solution is a liquid red dye applied over a tooth to confirm that all tooth decay has been removed.

Composite Resin Materials

Composite resin materials are now used in some veneers and other restorations to fill cavities and to bond to teeth. These resins offer a much more realistic aesthetic than previous materials used to fill teeth.


Desensitizers are topical solutions that can be used by your dentist or hygienist prior to dental treatment if you have sensitive teeth. They can be used alone or in conjunction with other pain and anxiety relief medications and anesthetics.

The Diagnodent

The diagnodent is a tool that uses pulses of sound and laser technology for early detection of caries.

Digital X-rays

Digital radiographs offer a way to capture dental images through a sensor that processes the image onto a computer screen. Digital X-rays offer greater comfort to the patient and less exposure to radiation than traditional X-rays.


While laser technology is not new, employing it in dentistry is. In some cases, lasers can be used to close surgical wounds instead of traditional sutures. Lasers are also used for the treatment of benign tumors, cold sores, crown lengthening, decay removal, gummy smile changes, dental fillings, tongue tie and speech impediment improvements, nerve regeneration for damaged nerves and blood vessels, and scars.

Periodontal Antibiotics

There are now "site-specific" topical antibiotics designed to concentrate in areas for treatment of periodontal disease.

Platelet-rich Growth Factors

After a bone replacement procedure has been completed, dentists will often employ compounds to hasten healing and enhance the fusion of the newly implanted “bone” and the patient’s existing natural bone.


The VELscope is a brand new FDA-approved oral cancer screening system that uses incandescent light to detect abnormalities that may not be apparent or visible to the naked eye.

These are just a few of the newer tools of the trade being used in dentistry today. There are many others, with new technologies coming out every year and the mainstays being improved upon constantly. We’ll keep you up to date as the cutting-edge procedures, products and medications make their way into the field

For information about dentures, dental implants and gum disease, call the Ferber Dental Group at 561-439-8888 or visit

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