Monday, May 16, 2011

The Four Different Types of Dentures. Part III of a 4-Part Series.

Because full dentures can be difficult to stabilize, Cu-Sil partial dentures were created. Unlike full dentures where the few remaining natural teeth must be removed, Cu-Sils allow one or more natural healthy teeth to be left in the mouth to help anchor the denture. Even one single healthy tooth left in place can be enough to fully stabilize a Cu-Sil denture.   

Cu-Sils are fashioned with holes to allow the remaining natural teeth to poke through. These holes are fitted with stable silicone gaskets that hug the natural teeth and maintain the suction needed to anchor the denture.

While a nice alternative to full dentures, they’re not recommended for people who still have a lot of healthy evenly distributed teeth because the complexity that would be required of the Cu-Sil design to fit properly around numerous natural teeth would impede the denture’s function. Cu-Sils are considered transitional dentures and used primarily for people whose few remaining teeth will likely be lost in the near future. 

For questions about dentures, dental implants, periodontal disease or general dentistry, call The Ferber Dental Group a 561-439-8888 or visit

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