Thursday, May 5, 2011

It’s Never Too Late to Improve Your Smile

At the Ferber Dental Group, by the time we see patients, usually they’ve already made the decision to have dental work done, and so the question of whether or not they’re too old to worry about their smile rarely comes up. But there’s a large population of people hiding in the shadows, reluctant to smile and convinced that, because of their advanced age, dentures, implants, veneers and other cosmetic procedures designed to improve their smile either aren’t possible, are too expensive or just impractical at this stage of life.

Sure, there are a lot of reasons not to fix your smile, but if bad teeth are preventing you from the simple pleasure of smiling, then you owe it to yourself to look into options for a new smile. Although there can be some increased challenges to cosmetic dentistry as patients age—especially in cases of advanced bone loss and periodontal disease—cliché as it sounds, it’s never too late. If you want to enjoy smiling again, the Ferber Dental Group can help you find an option that is gets you the results you want at a price you can afford, no matter how old you are.

Over the years, we’ve improved the smiles of hundreds and hundreds of senior patients, including friends and family. And we’re happy to report that the No. 1 feedback in common from virtually all patients in their 60s, 70s and some even in their 80s is that their only regret is not having the work done sooner.

At the Ferber Dental Group, we firmly believe that a bright, attractive smile is the cornerstone to a butterfly effect to a higher quality of life. You’ll be happier inside and it’ll show on the outside. Others are much more apt to approach and engage with someone smiling than someone not, and from there, who knows where life will lead.

So call 561-439-8888 or visit and make an appointment today to discuss your options for improving your smile and turning over a new leaf.

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