Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Whitening Teeth Naturally

There are all kinds of commercial kits for whitening your teeth at home, and dentists now have multiple options for professionally doing the job in the office. But between dates with the laser, trays, strips, polishes and the like, there are a few ways to help maintain a healthy bright smile naturally.

Eat crunchy fiber-rich foods.

Crunchy fiber-rich fruits and veggies clean plaque and food particles off your teeth and help your glands produce saliva, which rinses away bacteria and improves your breath. Foods like apples, pears, carrots and celery are naturals and should be in everyone’s refrigerator.
Get your allotment of vitamin C.

But we’re talking the natural form of vitamin C preferably from food and not supplements. Vitamin C helps repair damaged oral tissue, prevent infection, prevent the growth of bacteria in your mouth and maintain healthy gums and teeth. While supplements will do in a pinch, consensus is that natural food sources of vitamins are higher in quality than synthesized sources. Berries, melons, citrus, broccoli and tomatoes are all quite high in the scurvy-thwarting C vitamin.

Avoid foods that can stain teeth.

As we age, tooth enamel thins and becomes easier to stain. Coffee, red wine, artificially colored foods and drinks and, of course, smoking all contribute to the staining of teeth. Sometimes what you don’t eat is as important, or more so, than what you do eat.

Lastly, if you Google “teeth whitening at home,” you’ll come up with dozens of folk remedies and techniques for bringing back your whitest white smile, many of which will, in fact, whiten your teeth. However, most of these remedies rely on scouring or astringent properties that can badly damage enamel and gum tissue. We highly recommend you talk it over with your dentist before you try a home remedy. Even something as seemingly benign as brushing with lemon juice can damage teeth and gums, and that very suggestion comes up on numerous websites.

For questions about dentures, dental implants, periodontal disease or general dentistry including teeth whitening, call the Ferber Dental Group a 561-439-8888 or visit http://www.ferberdental.com.

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