Tuesday, July 12, 2011

History of Dental Floss

Regular flossing is part of a healthy oral hygiene regimen that can help preserve healthy teeth and gums for a long, long time. However, floss wasn’t always in the form it is today. 

A dentist, Levi Spear Parmly, from New Orleans is credited with inventing the first floss. In 1815, Parmly recommended that his patients use silk strings to clean between teeth. It was not until 1882 that silk floss became commercially available. A company by the name of Codman and Shurtleft started mass-producing un-waxed silk for consumer use.

Sixteen years later, the very first patent for dental floss was awarded to Johnson & Johnson Corporation. Johnson & Johnson made their product from the same silk thread that doctors used for stitches.

Although floss was now commercially available, not many people used it until World War II. It was during this time that, thanks to Dr. Charles C. Bass, nylon began to replace silk because it has a more consistent texture and is less prone to shredding. Consumers found nylon cleaned their teeth more thoroughly and more comfortably.

Today, you can find dental floss made from a variety of materials ranging from biodegradable compounds to Kevlar threads. It also comes flavored, waxed and non-, and there are all kinds of tools and accessories designed to improve the overall experience.

For information about the Ferber Dental Group, dental implants, dentures or periodontal concerns, call 561-439-8888 or visit www.ferberdental.com.

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