Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Smoking: Kick the Habit Now

While there’s a school of thought that the root of most serious dental problems lies in genetic predisposition, there are, of course, many environmental factors that contribute to unhealthy teeth and gums. One of the biggies is smoking.

Smoking discolors teeth, reduces the flow of saliva that helps maintain a clean mouth and protect against decay and inflames otherwise healthy gums and mouth tissue. Because smoking also restricts blood flow, it reduces vitamin C and other nutrients vital to healthy teeth and gums. Lastly, smoking causes systemic breakdown in the body’s immune system.

Smoke long enough and, in combination, these dangers can lead to periodontal disease—a progressive disintegration of the tissue and bone that anchor the jaw caused by bacterial infection—even if no predisposition to the malady exists.

The message, though short and sweet, is loud and clear. If you smoke, quit. Your teeth and gums will thank you for it. And if the thought of losing your teeth isn’t motivation enough, remember that smoking is also a source of bad breath. If you quit, your family, friends and colleagues will thank you for it.  

For information about the Ferber Dental Group, dental implants, dentures or periodontal concerns, call 561-439-8888 or visit

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