Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Don’t Forget to Take Care of Your Teeth and You May Not Forget to Take Care of Your Teeth

Researchers at the University of Halifax in Canada have just completed a study that indicates that the elderly who improve and maintain certain health factors not traditionally associated with dementia—including the fit of their dentures—can stave off the malady.

More than 7,200 dementia-free people aged 65 and older were studied over a 10-year period for 19 health problems that typically plague seniors, and those with poorly fitting dentures were more apt to suffer dementia by a factor of 3.2 percent. Other of the health problems included issues with vision, hearing and skeletal diseases like arthritis.

In a story about the study reported by Fox News, a dementia specialist at the Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Stephen Rao, said that the study indicates that illnesses like Alzheimer’s disease might very well be connected to overall health and not just vascular issues as previously thought.

And while a factor of 3.2 percent may not sound like a lot, in combination with improving other areas of your health, adjusting your dentures or getting new ones can go a long way in remaining clear and lucid into old age.

For information about dentures and dental implants, call the Ferber Dental Group at 561-439-8888 or visit www.ferberdental.com.

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