Improving the health of you teeth and gums isn’t as complicated as you might think. Following are 10 relatively simple steps to get started.
1. See your dentist and hygienist regularly.
2. Brush and floss at least three times daily.
3. If you clench or grind your teeth, get fitted for a professional night guard.
4. If you have exposed roots, decalcification or sensitive teeth: Use a topical fluoride toothpaste and have a topical fluoride treatment at your next dental appointment.
5. Seek professional nutrition counseling to improve your diet
7. If a spouse or close family member has periodontal disease, ask them to get treatment, as periodontal disease is communicable.
8. When you see the hygienist, ask for the number of bleeding points in your mouth and compare to your last visit. They should decline in time.
9. If pockets are deepening or the tissue collar around the teeth is not improving (getting firmer), ask for a referral to a specialist.
10. Understand that periodontal disease is painless (until advanced stages), and regular checkups are needed to become aware of the problem.
For information about dentures, dental implants and gum disease, call the Ferber Dental Group at 561-439-8888 or visit
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